29 April 2014


Has it really been a year since the last post? I'm honestly sorry about that, guys. Uni's been magical and also kind of a massive time suck, so I haven't really been drawing that much despite getting a graphics tablet that actually works (plus a recent little thing called "access to Photoshop").

That said, impending exams (T-17 days!) means that it's clearly time to start digging things out and posting them up. Here's a couple lovelies I doodled last summer and colourised in a fit of madness some two hours ago.

Fun context: I worked at a kids' camp last June where we helped them make dreamcatchers out of paper plate edges. After cutting out some sixteen-odd plate centres using safety scissors and sitting on a tiny chair, I figured the least I could do was take the things home and draw on them a little.

Hence why most of the hair features have circular edges, or why this guy's tentacles and sunglasses just end all of a sudden off his face. (Just imagine an invisible beanie or something.)


Plus, you know, cyclops.

Cyclops with well-trimmed beard!

Non-cyclops with impressive teeth!

Have a nice day, y'all.