28 May 2013

May issue.

Been a while, hasn't it?

I'm graduating—have graduated—so this is the last ever Feedback post you'll see. On here, I mean. I try not to think about it too much and you shouldn't either, because as far as this blog is concerned, I'm still going to be posting irregular updates of directionless art.

For an article about the new security procedures. At time of writing they were getting a lot more uptight about demanding ID at the gates, and I would happily concede that it was in our best interest if I had any faith that this would change anything. Our Journalism teacher went down to see the alleged draconianism of the new measures in action and came back calling it a non-event. He is, as per usual, correct.

For the annual sum-up of our school's sporting achievements. This one ran in black and white about half the size of a postcard, but I'm putting it up here big and in colour because I like it, damn you. It's also the biggest and most unified illustration I've ever had to do so props for that as well.

For an article about online classes. That background is shameful and I am appropriately ashamed.


May was the month of fits and starts. I think everything but the cover went through a couple of drafts beforehand, so here you go.

Initial idea for security. I wanted a wall of IDs, but the copy-pasting alone would've killed me.

IASAS review: assortment of drafts, initial lineart overlaid on the sketch, a halfhearted attempt at skintones. I've been getting better at colouring people but that's mostly been through adventures in colourising pencil sketches. Those'll go up here too in their own time.

Draft of the online illustration. I kinda like this one, but the proportions are off and fullbody had more action.

Laras out.

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