16 March 2013

September issue.

As the title would suggest, here are some pieces I did for the September 2012 issue of my high school's magazine.

(Click on individual images to embiggen them—Blogger's resizing function tends to play merry hell with image quality.)

For a friend's column about the school's "mission, vision, and values" guidelines. More painterly than I'm used to. (Everything I do is digital unless specified, by the way.)

For an editorial about how nobody ever goes the National Honour Society tutors. As an NHS tutor myself, I can testify to that.

For a Features article (not a typo, the section in the magazine is actually called "Features") about this one investment club that drew a lot of interest at the beginning of the year. I'm not sure if it's still kicking around anymore.

For the main ("In Depth") article about school spirit—our mascot is a dragon. These guys here are pretty zesty, if I do say so myself.

(Also, the reason why everything is in black and white bar this piece is because the magazine runs mostly in B&W with a smattering of colour pages in the middle. Usually this allotment is eaten up by In Depth and a couple other articles that tend towards photography, so my dismal colour theory skillz are thankfully in low demand.)

For a Time Out article about how things will pile up and stress you out. We tend to get really negative around this time of year. Also, I like to think that the dino skull is more of an homage to the absolutely amazing Sam Bosma rather than outright theft.

For an editorial sidebar about the prospect of introducing school uniforms, because we are a non-uniform school with an aggressively laissez-faire attitude towards the dress code.

From another Time Out article about stress. Remember what I said about negativity?

From a sports article about how making the junior varsity team is seen as more of a joke than an honour. I misjudged the precision of the magazine printers and the background came out entirely black, but thankfully the whites survived intact so it just looked a bit starker than intended.

Artwork from later issues will be going up soon, kittens.

1 comment:

  1. kittens! I like being a kitten :3 and I like your blog posts even more! seriously, it's lovely that you found the time to do this! I hope you keep this up until the end of time so that I can follow your art stuff even after we graduate :) keep it uuup!
